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THE BIGGEST-ever crop of University Campus Oldham (UCO) students have celebrated their successes at an inspirational graduation ceremony.

Boasting 288 new alumni, these graduates formed a sea of caps, gaps and hoods alongside proud friends and family members at the Queen Elizabeth Hall*.

Most had either studied through the unprecedented challenges of the pandemic – or seen their original graduation ceremonies postponed – before finally getting to join the ‘Class of 2022’.

Each student was greeted with rapturous applause as they strode onto the stage to officially accomplish their goals at Higher National Certificate/Diploma, Foundation Degree, full Honours Degree and Postgraduate levels.

They are just the latest in a pipeline of thousands of talented local students who have realised their academic ambitions at UCO since 2005 – with many more to follow.

Alun Francis OBE, Oldham College Principal and Chief Executive, said: “This event is about celebrating people who have done things differently.”

“They might have enrolled at UCO because the conventional route of going away to study a residential course at university didn’t work for them – or they needed to do things a bit later in life, or wanted a smaller environment with extra support that is based locally.

“It’s Oldham College’s essential mission to support people and businesses who want new opportunities and choice and UCO excels at offering an alternative route to obtain higher skills, knowledge and improving your prospects.

“Every time someone does that and finds a better job, they and their families will have a better life. All these success stories are students who earned their degrees through hard work and dedication and that contributes to improving the wider prospects of this borough.”

The Graduation Ceremony capped a fantastic year for UCO in which its National Students Survey results saw it ranked top across Greater Manchester for Overall Satisfaction**. UCO’s score of 89 per cent rated higher than all other regional FE colleges – and is 12.5 per cent above the HE sector average.

Amongst the learners graduating were Ian Kenworthy – who won the prestigious Association of College’s ‘Higher Education Student of the Year’ award for 2012/22.

Three Honorary Fellowships were also awarded at this ceremony to: Professor Richard Jones for services supporting education, skills, business innovation and the economy in Oldham; Donna McLaughlin for services to healthcare skills, education and business partnerships, and the wider economy of Oldham; and Professor Andrew Westwood for services to skills and the economy in Oldham through his central contribution to the Oldham Economic Review.

UCO has been Oldham College’s Higher Education provision since 2012. It partners with UK universities and industry leaders to deliver a range of courses to progress into meaningful employment including the University of Huddersfield, Sheffield Hallam University, University of Central Lancashire, Pearson, the Open University and more.

UCO is holding an Open Evening event on Wednesday, November 2 where learners can visit the University Way campus, view facilities and meet their expert lecturers and staff. Any interested can pre-register online now at or drop in any time between 4 and 7pm on that day.

* The UCO Graduation Ceremony took place on Friday, October 21, 2022.

** More information about UCO’s National Student Survey Results for 22 can be viewed using this link.

Oldham Tops Student Satisfaction in Higher Education across Greater Manchester

UNIVERSITY Campus Oldham (UCO) is celebrating National Students Survey (NSS) 2022 results that rank it TOP across the Greater Manchester region for Overall Satisfaction.

UCO, the Higher Education (HE) faculty of Oldham College, received an Overall Satisfaction score of 89 per cent from learners studying all courses.

This ranks it higher than all other Greater Manchester FE colleges – and is also 12.5 per cent above the HE sector average.

The NSS – overseen by the Office for Students (OfS) – asks students questions about a range of factors related to their academic experience.

The OfS highlighted UCO as significantly above benchmark in four of the eight categories: Assessment and Feedback, Academic Support, Learning Community and Student Voice.

Alun Francis, Oldham College Principal and Chief Executive, said: “The NSS results are the benchmark of success and this is an outstanding endorsement from UCO students – the people who know us best.”

“We’re delighted to see such high satisfaction levels confirming the fantastic academic experience and support our staff provide across all courses. Learners gave UCO scores of 90 per cent and above on a range of questions about the opportunities, help, inspiration, challenge and advice they get.*

“Most UCO students are from Oldham and surrounding boroughs and these results show how distinctive our offer is compared with residential-based courses at universities, for example, where you can be just one student in a cohort of hundreds.

“Smaller classes allow our expert tutors to give an exceptional experience centred around one-to-one and personalised support that you won’t get elsewhere. We help learners to fit their studies around family life and other commitments, and studying locally also helps make significant savings on costs like accommodation and travel.

“We’re still recruiting for courses starting this September. If you haven’t already considered UCO, then please get in touch – come and see for yourself why our learners are so satisfied and successful.”

UCO has a great track record of producing high-achieving students**, plus fantastic links with local and regional employers to help develop the next generation of highly-skilled graduates in courses that are aligned to the economy.

One example is Ian Kenworthy who has just got a First Class BA (Hons) in Business and Management: a course which is rated 87 per cent for overall satisfaction in the NSS 2022.

Ian had an EHCP throughout previous education but progressed to making almost no use of additional learning support at UCO – and was recently crowned ‘Higher Education Student of the Year’ by the Association of Colleges.

He said: “I am not at all surprised by these results because my experience of UCO was so positive.”

“What I really benefited from was the broad range and personalised nature of the academic and pastoral support available. The staff guided me to continually develop different skills and extract my full potential to apply to all types of assignments.

“In addition, the student representation and external challenge opportunities provided added greater value to my experience and directly contributed to my First Class degree award.”

UCO opened in 2005 and has been Oldham College’s Higher Education provision since 2012, helping thousands of students to achieve their goals at both Foundation Degree and full Honours Degree level.

It is expanding to include an exciting new range of qualifications for September 2022 in areas including mental health, counselling and psychotherapy, management and leadership, project management, computing and illustration. There are also still places available on the Masters in Education (Teaching and Learning) for teachers and other educational professionals seeking to enhance and develop their professional knowledge.

The easiest way to find out more, or apply for a place, is to go direct to UCO either through the website at or by emailing the HE Admissions team at or calling 0161 344 8800.


UCO partners with globally recognised universities and institutions to deliver accredited qualifications at its town centre campus, including the Open University, Pearson, the Chartered Management Institute, University of Huddersfield, Sheffield Hallam University and UCLan.


I have had the right opportunities to work with other students as part of my course93%
I have received helpful comments on my work93%
My course has provided me with opportunities to apply what I have learnt92%
I have been able to contact staff when I needed to92%
My course has challenged me to achieve my best work91%
My course has provided me with opportunities to explore ideas or concepts in depth91%
Staff value students’ views and opinions about the course90%
Good advice was available when I needed to make study choices on my course 90%


CORE AREA UCO rating  CORE AREA UCO rating  
The Teaching on my Course  86.2%  Learning Opportunities  90.9% 
Assessment and Feedback  87.9% Academic Support  89.2% 
Organisation and Management 83.2% Learning Community 88.3% 
Student Voice  86.9% Learning Resources 85.8% 
Overall Satisfaction   88.79%  12.5% above sector average   

** In the last three academic years the percentage of learners achieving a First-Class honours degree has improved year on year – and is consistently above 25 per cent.



AN OLDHAM College student has been crowned as the Association of Colleges’ Higher Education Student of the Year 2021/2.

Ian Kenworthy, 20, beat off stiff competition to win this national accolade at the AoC Student of the Year Awards today (Monday, February 14).

Ian, who lives in Bury, enrolled at University Campus Oldham (UCO) – Oldham College’s Higher Education Faculty – on a BA (Hons) Business and Management course in 2019.

His story since then is an inspiring example of what an individual can achieve with the right attitude, self-determination and ambition.

Ian had an EHCP* throughout his previous education but has grown beyond measure in his personal and academic confidence, and now makes almost no use of additional learning support  He has also become a learner who uses his own diversity to show others that neuro-diversity conditions do not need to be a barrier to success.

Ian Kenworthy said: “I’m so delighted and really happy to have won this award.”

“It was a shock to find out that staff had nominated me last year and it made me reflect on how I’ve developed as a person. I mainly just use academic support now and am more independent since becoming a student representative for my class with extra responsibilities. This is my final year of study, so next I’m hoping to go into employment in the business and management field.

“I want to thank my mum and dad (Cheryl and Anthony) and the staff here for all the support I’ve had to make this possible.”

Alun Francis. Oldham College Principal and Chief Executive, said: “Ian’s story is a fantastic example of UCO at its very best – supporting learners in a close-knit and positive environment to achieve their full potential.”

“Ian constantly engages with tutors and the support team to improve his work, contributes positively to the wider student experience, and his grades are consistently high.

“Everyone is incredibly proud of this recognition, but Ian was already a winner in our eyes. Our sincere congratulations go to Ian, and his family, for the amazing journey that he has been on.”

Sally Dicketts, President of the Association of Colleges, added: “Each year the level of applications is extremely high, and it goes to show the fantastic work that students are doing in colleges as well as the lengths colleges go to support their students.

“It is particularly amazing to see the achievements of students and positive impact that colleges have on the students and community. Ian Kenworthy has done amazingly well to finish first and should be extremely proud.”

Due to there being no physical awards ceremony, Student of the Year 2021/22 award winners were announced by the Award Sponsors (NOCN Group, Pearson, Shakespeare Martineau, and Edge Foundation) online on the AoC website and Twitter account.

UCO Coronavirus update – 3rd February 2021

UCO Coronavirus update – 3rd February 2021

Dear student,

I hope you and your families are all well. Despite the ongoing challenges caused by the pandemic, it has been great to see the quality of work submitted in semester one assessments and I and all the staff at UCO would like to let you know how impressive it is to see such resilience in the face of the challenges that we are all facing at the moment. Thank you also to everyone who completed the mid-year survey which closed recently. Again, in the face of adversity, it is really reassuring to see that the vast majority of students (95%) are satisfied with their experience at UCO this year so far. Following recent government updates and also information received from our partner universities, I wanted to get in touch to provide you with a brief update on our approach to teaching, assessment and student support over the next few weeks.

Assessments – ‘No Detriment’ policies and Extenuating Circumstances (ECs)

Several of our partner universities have now confirmed their arrangements for ensuring that no student is negatively affected by the pandemic in relation to how they are assessed on their course. You may see and hear these processes referred to as ‘No Detriment’ policies and they are designed to ensure that the impact of the pandemic is recognised and that all students receive the marks they deserve in their assessed work. Whilst the precise detail of the policies differs between partner universities, the aim of all is the same. Both we at UCO and our colleagues at our partners are absolutely committed to ensuring that you can continue to access high quality teaching & assessment and that your achievement is fairly recognised.

If you have any questions at all about how ‘no detriment’ policies are being applied on your course, please contact your course leader or course tutor in the first instance. They will be able to advise you on the process you need to follow, should you need additional time or support with an assessment. UCO has an established process for requesting an extension to an assessment deadline, or for applying for Extenuating Circumstances (ECs) if you are unable to complete an assessment on time, whether related to Covid-19 or other circumstances. Your course team will be able to discuss these processes with you.

Timetabled classes

In line with Government guidance, all taught classes continue to be delivered online. The recent announcement by Government in relation to the return of schools confirmed that there will be no resumption of face-to-face teaching on campus until the 8th March at the earliest. We will continue to monitor this situation closely and update you as soon as a possible return date has been confirmed by Government. In the meantime, your course team remain accessible remotely in the usual ways and all your timetabled classes will continue online. Moodle will continue to be available and all course teams will ensure that materials, resources and recordings of sessions are available for you to use.

Access to UCO buildings and facilities

The guidance in relation to the national lockdown continues to be that everyone should stay at home wherever possible and only leave home for specified reasons. It is therefore important that wherever possible, students study from home and do not come to UCO.

However, in line with Government guidance and recognising the fact that for some students, studying from home is not possible we will continue to maintain access to the UCO library and to some specialist facilities, to ensure all students can continue their studies. The opening days and times are below. Please note, the campus is not currently open for general access and if library access is required, this must be pre-booked, by emailing the library team (

Tuesday          9am – 12pm and 1pm – 4pm

Wednesday     9am – 12pm and 1pm – 4pm

Thursday         9am – 12pm and 1pm – 4pm

If you require access to specialist teaching facilities or equipment as part of your studies, such as the performance studio for example, you should contact your course team in the first instance. Whilst general access to UCO buildings is not currently possible, access for specific purposes can be arranged in a Covid-secure way.

Contacting tutors and UCO support services

All tutors and support services, including academic skills, the library team, disability, health & well-being and careers, will continue to be available by email, telephone and video conference during working hours. If for any reason they are not available, they will set an ‘out-of-office’ message on their email to advise of alternative contacts. If you have any questions or concerns at all, please continue to contact your tutors directly. In certain circumstances, it may be possible to arrange face-to-face support on campus, but students should contact staff by phone or email in the first instance.

Support for students

We recognise that the current situation creates significant pressures and additional burdens for many students and staff. Please remember that all staff at UCO are available to offer advice and support, whether that is in relation to your studies or other issues. If you are struggling with anything at all, or have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your tutors, or the UCO support services:

Academic skills –                                    0161 344 8808

Disability –                          0161 344 8877

Health & well-being –         0161 344 8843

Careers and employability –         0161 344 8800

Hardship funding

The challenges presented by the lockdown are varied, and for some students we appreciate that the circumstances may have a financial impact on them. UCO has a hardship fund available, to provide direct financial assistance to students. If you are experiencing any form of financial hardship, please speak to your course team or the UCO HE Student Services team, who will be able to advise on access to the UCO hardship fund.

HE Student Services

As with all UCO staff, our HE Student Services team will mainly be working remotely during this closure. If at any point you need to contact HE Student Services, please do so by emailing This inbox will be monitored regularly by staff and they will respond as soon as possible.

Digital skills support

If you are struggling to access relevant software platforms, lecture content and materials or need additional support in developing your digital skills then we are here to help you. You can book a session in the LRC and speak directly with a member of the team.

What to do if you’re unhappy

Everyone at UCO is working hard to ensure you are supported as much as possible to continue with your studies throughout these challenging times. We all hope that we are succeeding in this, but if you feel that something has gone wrong, or you would like to raise an issue with us, you can follow our complaints procedure, which can be found on our website by following this link: complaints policy and procedure.

If you are experiencing any challenges at all in relation to your studies, whether Covid-19 related or otherwise, please make sure you speak to your tutors, or the support teams at UCO. We are here to help!

Please remember to follow the national guidance and stay safe at home. It is important that we all follow the rules in order to supress the virus.

Wash HANDS | Cover FACE | Make SPACE

We will continue to keep you updated.

Kind regards,

Helen Mathers
Vice Principal – HE and Higher Skills


UK Government advice:
NHS advice:



Dear UCO Student,

I’M WRITING to update you following the announcement that England is to enter into a national lockdown. This means that a new set of rules will immediately replace the Tier Alert system and apply to everyone nationwide.

It also means that most people cannot leave their homes, except for very specific reasons, and you can read the Government’s full guidance on all these rules here.

Campus Closed to Students

THIS NEWS also means that no students will be allowed onto the campus for the foreseeable future.

This means you will immediately switch to remote (online) learning from Monday next week (11th January).

What You Need To Do

DO NOT attend or visit campus unless you’re personally contacted by UCO staff and invited to come in.

We know that some students are due to take exams in the next two weeks and we are working with partners on how to ensure these go ahead safely. If you are affected by this, we will let you know the final decision about these exams as soon as we can this week.

If you are due to sit an exam soon, you should continue to prepare as if they will go ahead.

We are also aware that many students will have coursework deadlines in the next two weeks. You should continue to work on these and aim to submit on time in your usual way. If you feel that you may need additional time to complete your work due to the current circumstances, please speak to your tutor as soon as possible.

Please remember that all of UCO’s support services, including the library, disability, well-being and academic skills teams remain available by email.

How Long Will Remote Learning Last?

THE Government has said that if the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine goes well, it is possible – but not certain – that we may be allowed to re-open after February half-term.

Whatever the case, it is vital that you engage with our remote learning as soon as your teaching re-commences next week and are working hard to ensure that you continue to make progress.

If remote learning means that you will need additional help or equipment, please talk to your tutor and they will do all they can to help you, wherever possible.

For now, please follow the guidance above, check your emails for updates, and keep in contact with us. Although this news is disappointing, UCO has lots of experience in delivering remote learning successfully.

Please do ‘your bit’ by committing to working hard – and keep safe by following the new national rules.

We will be in touch ASAP to share more information as soon as we get it. Remember: Wash HANDS | Cover FACE | Make SPACE

Alun Francis
Oldham College, Principal and Chief Executive


It is with regret that we have taken the decision to postpone Graduation for those students set to graduate this year until early in 2021. We are currently working on confirming new dates for your Graduation ceremony.

We realise this will be disappointing for you but, with current social distancing requirements, it would not have been possible to run Graduation in its current format. Please be assured, you will still get a Graduation ceremony – but we are certain you will understand that we feel it is better to postpone the ceremony until more is known about how events can run post COVID-19. 

In the meantime, please ensure that your contact details are up-to-date with the HE Student Services team by liaising with The deadline for registering to attend Graduation will also be confirmed as soon as possible.

UNIVERSITY Campus Oldham (UCO) is celebrating its best-ever set of results that rank it in the top ten per cent nationally – and the best locally – for student satisfaction.UCO’s overall score of 89 per cent for this measure – derived from 26 different questions about learners’ experiences – is six per cent above the national benchmark in thenewly-published National Student Survey (NSS).

NSS 2020 collected responses from more than 311,000 students from 369 higher education institutions in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Students were asked 26 questions and UCO’s results improved from 2019 in all eight category areas including the quality of its teaching, support, management, feedback and student voice.UCO’s highlights include overall ratings from students for:

CORE AREAUCO ratingUCO compared to national averageCORE AREAUCO ratingUCO compared to national average
The Teaching on my Course90%+6.5%Learning Opportunities94%+11.34%
Assessment and Feedback86%+13.4%Academic Support87.66%+8.23%
Organisation and Management87%+13.25%Learning Community85.83%+10.16%
Student Voice87.14%+13.58%   

Alun Francis, Oldham College’s Principal and Chief Executive, said: “This is an absolutely stunning endorsement from students at University Campus Oldham.”

“We’re delighted to see such high levels of satisfaction putting UCO above all our local competitors, and in the top ten per cent nationally.“Most of our students come from the Oldham borough and we pride ourselves on nurturing home-grown talent while also helping them make significant savings on costs like accommodation and travel, and helping them to fit their studies around family life and other commitments.

“With so much uncertainty facing learners around their university options for September, this report makes it official that there really has never been a better time to join the thousands of students choosing to learn locally – and that home really is the smart option for students in Oldham.”

UCO opened in its doorin 2005 and has been Oldham College’s Higher Education provision since 2012, helping thousands of students to achieve their goals.

An OfS Judging Panel awarded UCO a TEF Silver rating* in 2019 and found that students from all backgrounds achieve excellent outcomes. It also found that UCO offers excellent physical and digital resources, and a highly-regarded Graduate Hub to help students progress into meaningful and sustained employment. 

Alun Francis adds: “I want to say a huge thank you to all our staff and students who worked so incredibly hard over the past year.”

“In three key areas UCO is in the top 10 per cent nationally and also more than 10 per cent above the national benchmark for the number of students agreeing their course gave them opportunities to study their subject in-depth (95 per cent), tutors provided helpful comments on their work (88 per cent) and that they felt challenged to achieve their best work (91 per cent).

“But what’s also really special about UCO is the close-knit and supportive environment they have nurtured at their town centre campus. Again, we are in top 10 per cent nationally and 13 per cent above the national average for this.”

“Everyone at UCO can feel proud of these results which show they are providing the best Higher Education offer in the area. Our message to any students still considering their options for higher education in September is that they really should visit our website and contact us to find out more about UCO before making such an important life decision.” 

UCO partners with UK universities and industry leaders*** to deliver a range of courses with excellent teaching at their heart at both Foundation Degree and full Honours Degree level. 

The easiest way to find out more or apply for a place is to go direct to UCO either through the website at or by emailing the HE Admissions team at or calling 0161 344 8800.

*The National Student Survey (NSS) is managed by the Office for Students (OfS) on behalf of the UK funding and regulatory bodies – the Department for the Economy (Northern Ireland), The Scottish Funding Council and the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales.The NSS gathers students’ opinions on the quality of their courses. Every university in the UK takes part in the NSS, as do many colleges. Full data is available at:

** The TEF is a national exercise which assesses excellence in teaching at universities and colleges, and how each higher education provider ensures excellent outcomes for their students in terms of graduate-level employment or further study. You can find out more at the Office for Students website here

*** UCO’s partners include UCLAN, Sheffield Hallam University, University of Huddersfieldand Pearson – plus the recently-announced partnerships with The Open University and the Chartered Management Institute. More info at:


UNIVERSITY Campus Oldham (UCO) is launching an exciting new partnership with The Open University to create greater learning opportunities and flexibility for local students.The Open University (OU) has approved UCO – Oldham College’s Higher Education provision – to begin offering programmes that will lead to OU-validated awards from Autumn this year.

This new partnership is the latest boost to UCO’s growing reputation as an HE provider, which it is showcasing at its first-ever Virtual Open Day online tomorrow (Wednesday, July 8 from 3-6pm)*

The OU partnership starts with the launch of two new courses: a BA (Hons) Accounting and Financial Services, and a BA (Hons) Business Management, with pathways in Marketing and Human Resource Management. Enquiries and applications for both are now open. 

University Campus Oldham already partners with UK universities and industry leaders** to deliver a range of courses with excellent teaching at their heart at both Foundation Degree and full Honours Degree level. 

UCO’s TEF Silver rating*** also puts it on a par with some of the best universities and HE providers in England. 

Alun Francis, Principal and Chief Executive of Oldham College, said: “We’re extremely proud to announce this partnership between University Campus Oldham and The Open University.” 

“It’s fantastic for UCO to be partnering such a respected British institution which is globally recognised as a hallmark of quality and for transforming lives. The OU’s flexible education programmes have enabled millions of people to expand their potential by studying whenever and wherever works best for them – something that really fits with UCO’s ethos and approach.” 

Lorna Swinyard-Jordan, Director, OU Validation Partnerships, said: “We are delighted to welcome University Campus Oldham as a validated partner of The Open University.” 

“This partnership supports our mission, as it has the potential to drive our values of inclusiveness and widening access and participation further.” 

UCO also has a new partnership with the Chartered Management Institute (CMI) enabling it to deliver professional courses in leadership and management suited to anyone looking to upskill or develop their career. 

Alun Francis added: “Our first two new OU validated courses are designed to help lead graduates to careers in growth areas for Oldham and the Greater Manchester City Region – including accounting and professional services, finance, marketing and human resource management, plus many others.” 

“Our link-up with the CMI also enables us to deliver courses ideally suited to people looking to upskill, or even change their career. 

“This new suite of business management and accounting courses at UCO applies the skills and knowledge of our expert tutors to supporting local people to get employment-focussed qualifications without having to leave Oldham. Students can also save money on significant costs like travel, accommodation and tuition fees, which makes UCO an attractive option in the light of the uncertainties caused by Coronavirus. 

“Increasing numbers of learners are recognising how UCO can help to remove uncertainties and cut their costs by joining the thousands of students who now choose to get a degree right on their doorstep.” 

At its town centre campus – located just yards from the Oldham Central Metrolink stop – UCO prides itself on providing a close-knit, safe, supportive and positive learning environment. 

Small group sizes offer a personalised learning experience delivered by highly-qualified lecturers with great links to industry and major local firms. 

Alun Francis said: “UCO staff have nurtured a unique learning environment and we have support available for all applicants who might be returning to education after a break, or are looking to retrain in a new area.” 

“Our timetables are also family-friendly because we understand some students have carer responsibilities or need to maintain part-time employment whilst they are studying. 

“Students also tell us that we excel in our support – whether that is delivered face-to-face or online – and we’re committed to delivering a course that supports each individual’s personal development. These are developed with employers to ensure they meet industry needs, and they include workplace experiences and real-world scenarios, plus guest lecturers, specialist competition briefs, attendances at conferences, visits and field trips, and portfolio reviews.” 

The Office for Students’ Judging Panel gave UCO a TEF Silver rating in 2019. It found that students from all backgrounds achieve excellent outcomes and that levels of full-time student satisfaction with assessment, feedback, and academic support are exceptionally high. It also found that UCO offers excellent physical and digital resources, and a highly-regarded Graduate Hub to help students progress into meaningful and sustained employment. 

In the most recent UCO Induction Survey, 97 per cent of students agreed they would recommend UCO to a friend, with 98 per sent saying they ‘felt welcome’ on their first day. 

The 2019 National Student Survey found UCO had an 84 per cent overall satisfaction rating with 92 per cent saying ‘staff are good at explaining things’ and 89 per cent agreeing that ‘My course has challenged me to achieve my best work’. 

UCO, which opened in 2005 and has been part of the Oldham College family since 2012, has helped thousands of students to achieve their goals. 

The easiest way to apply is to go direct to UCO either through this website or by emailing the HE Admissions team at or calling 0161 344 8800.

About the Open University

The Open University was created over 50 years ago to open up education for all. Pioneering new ways of learning to reach more people than any other university, The Open University’s teaching and research is transforming the lives of millions of people around the world. OU students can study for certificates and diplomas of higher education, foundation and honours degrees or postgraduate qualifications. It has around 40,000 students currently studying for OU-validated awards at partner institutions. You can find out more about the OU at * University Campus Oldham’s first-ever ‘Virtual’ Open Day takes place from 3-6pm on Wednesday, July 8. You can pre-register for free to attend here

** UCO’s other partners include UCLAN, Sheffield Hallam University, University of Huddersfield and Pearson.  *** The TEF is a national exercise which assesses excellence in teaching at universities and colleges, and how each higher education provider ensures excellent outcomes for their students in terms of graduate-level employment or further study. You can find out more at the Office for Students website here


Oldham College continues to monitor the situation and to take Government advice in relation to COVID-19 so that we can take any further action, if necessary.

It is important to take a common sense approach to this matter. Currently, there are minimal cases outside the listed areas and therefore the likelihood of you coming into contact with a confirmed case is extremely low.

The symptoms of coronavirus are:

But these symptoms do not necessarily mean you have the illness.

The symptoms are similar to other illnesses that are much more common, such as cold and flu. It’s very unlikely to be coronavirus if:

You have not been in close contact with someone with confirmed coronavirus
You have not been to a country or area with a high risk of coronavirus in the last 14 days – see the NHS coronavirus advice for travellers

If you think you might have coronavirus, use the NHS 111 online coronavirus service to find out what to do. Health professionals are working to contact anyone who has been in close contact with people who have coronavirus.

If you think you’ve been in close contact with someone with confirmed coronavirus, use the NHS 111 online coronavirus service to find out what to do. The College should continue to function as normal and you should continue to attend work unless you have been informed that you have had contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19.



The FCO advises that people concerned about the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on existing travel plans should check with their airline, tour operator, cruise line or other transport and accommodation providers as applicable. Individual providers may also have their own requirements for customers or passengers to meet.

If you are planning a holiday in the near future to any of the affected areas you must inform your manager immediately.



Further advice

If you have any concerns relating to the impact of COVID-19 on your ability to come to work you should discuss these with your manager.

Staff can also access the College’s Employee Assistance Programme which is provided by Medicash:

Telephone: 0345 565 1851 or visit Login: medicash



Government / NHS advice

The full list of affected areas is under constant review and can be seen on Government website at:

NHS guidance can be found at:

The Department for Education (DfE) has a COVID-19 helpline. Call 0800 046 8687 or email (The helpline if open from 8am to 6pm from Monday to Friday).

The link to the full guidance for Educational Settings is

Oldham’s higher education receives a silver award

University Campus Oldham, Oldham College’s higher education provision has been awarded a Silver Award in the Teaching Excellence and Student Outcomes Framework (TEF) by the Office for Students (OfS). This places degrees at UCO on par with some of the best universities and higher education providers in the country.

The TEF is a system that assesses the quality of teaching of higher education providers in England. The framework was introduced by the government in 2017 to provide a resource for students to judge teaching quality in universities and to increase the importance of teaching when rating institutions. Institutions are classified gold, silver or bronze and the award is valid for two years.

The judging panel found that students from all backgrounds achieve excellent outcomes and levels of full-time student satisfaction with assessment and feedback, and academic support are exceptionally high. The panel also concluded the college offered excellent physical and digital resources at UCO, together with employability focussed courses and a highly regarded Graduate Hub helping students progress into meaningful and sustained employment.
Jonathan Edwards, Chair of the College, said: “There are many positive strengths in the assessment, but special praise is given to our relentless commitment to high standards and the investment we make in our superb staff. Coming alongside the recent Ofsted inspection this is a tremendous achievement for the college and the town.”

Alun Francis, Principal and Chief Executive said: “The college has a deliberate strategy of providing real alternatives to the A level and three year residential degree. This is a national and local priority and this judgement shows that the provision at UCO, which is supported by world class universities, is among the best in the country. It is relevant to work, taught well, and students get amazing results. It complements our apprenticeship and college courses so that anyone interested in a technical or professional career can now pursue their ambitions right here, knowing that they are going to have a great experience and can achieve at the highest level.”

Helen Mathers, Vice Principal HE and Higher Skills said: “This is the first year that we’ve been eligible to apply for a full TEF award so we are absolutely delighted and proud to be recognised for excellence at this level. This is great news for our staff and our students.”

Leader of the Council, Sean Fielding said: “This is more excellent news coming from Oldham College. UCO transferred to the college in 2012, and has delivered well over 1000 graduates since then. It is a unique provision, focussed on employment, academic excellence and tremendous individual support. It is clearly operating at a standard that is a credit to our town. We would urge more local people to visit the campus to see how they can enhance their career.”