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Bursary Scheme for 2024/25 Entry

University Campus Oldham welcomes a diverse range of students every year, many of whom are the first in their family to study in Higher Education and live in areas with traditionally very low participation in HE.

We recognise that for many students, the decision to study for a degree is a big one, and often there may be many barriers, such as costs and access to suitable equipment such as a laptop, that may prevent a student from pursuing their ambition.

The UCO Bursary Scheme supports UCO’s mission and ethos in relation to ensuring that all students with the potential to benefit from Higher Education have the opportunity to do so. We are totally committed to supporting students from all backgrounds to access and succeed on high quality HE courses locally. To support this commitment, we offer the UCO bursary to eligible new first year undergraduate students each year, to provide them with a suitable IT device to support their studies.

To be eligible for the bursary offer, all you need to do is:

– Be a new student, enrolled on the first year of an undergraduate course at UCO on the 1st November in an academic year (eligible courses include Foundation Years, HNC, Foundation Degrees and Honours Degrees, both full-time and part-time)*

– Live in an area with traditionally low participation in Higher Education (identified as a Quintile 1 or 2 postcode using the Polar4 dataset) and/or live in a deprived area (as identified by the English Indices of Deprivation 2019, deciles 1 to 4).

There is no need to make an application for this bursary offer. If you meet the eligibility criteria above, then UCO will contact you after 1st November to provide you with a choice of IT device. Once ordered, the new device will be delivered to UCO for collection and is yours to keep.

*Returning students, such as those progressing from a Foundation Year to the first year of a Foundation Degree or Honours Degree, or those repeating modules are not eligible for the bursary scheme. Students enrolled on postgraduate courses and teacher training courses (Cert. Ed, PGCE and PGDE) are also excluded from this offer.